How To Start and Access Your Quest
Instructions on how to start your quests and gain access to your programs.
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You've just purchased a Quest or the Mindvalley Membership, the next step is to begin your Quest.
Please follow these steps to start your Quest.
Log into your Mindvalley account.
You can use the Search bar to look for the Program you want to start or click on the Programs tab.

Scroll down to the Programs tab page to see your programs organised by category and language as shown below.

Select your Quest and click "Start Program" (For perpetual quests you can select Start to begin right away)

Select your preferred method of learning, whether "Join a Class" or "Go At Your Own Pace", then click on Continue.
If you wish to Join a Class, select a date to start and click "Join Class". (You can choose past if you want to begin earlier).
If you wish to “Go On Your Own Pace”, select the second option and then click “Continue”. To learn more on how to change
your learning mode when picking a Quest, here is an article that explains more, click here.

How to start a Quest on your Mindvalley App
Please follow the steps below to start:
Open the App and sign in to your account if you haven't already.
Go to the Programs tab on the bottom of the screen
Under Programs, you will see Continue, Discover, Coach, Recordings and Courses.
Choose the Quest that you want to Start, click on “Start program”.

Choose your learning mode, whether “Join a Class” or “Go At Your Own Pace”. If you select Join a Class, pick a start date then click on “Join This Class”. If you don't want to Join a Class, you can take it on your own pace by clicking on “Go At Your Own Pace” and click “Continue”. After choosing your preferred learning mode, you can use the App to set a timer for how often you want to work on your programs. You can pick Once a day or Twice a day and make that commitment to yourself to complete your programs that way.
To contact our Customer Support Team, please use channels such as WhatsApp, iMessage, or by clicking on the chat widget in the bottom right corner of the page.