How to Change Your Quest Cohort or Start Date
How to join a Quest cohort that is happening in the future and change the start date of your Quest.
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If you would like to change the start date of your Quest to a later or earlier date, you can do so on the main page of your Quest. Please note that you can only choose between the fixed dates when the Quest cohorts start. You can also not choose a cohort where the Quest has already ended.
Please note this is NOT Applicable for WildFit and the programs that are perpetual.
You can also choose the mode of learning if you wish to take it self paced or with a group, read more about how to change your learning mode.
Web View:
If you wish to choose another cohort/start date:
Go to the main page of your Quest.
Click on the three dots (...) titled "Options" at the top right of your page.

A drop down menu will appear, select Change Class.

Pick a date that suits you and then click on Join Class

App View:

Please note that when you select a new cohort, any progress made in the quest until now will be reset. This means that you will have to mark the days as "Complete" once more. Please also be aware that if the cohort is set to start in the future, the days will be locked until the start date of the Quest, after which they will unlock day-by-day.
Can I go back and enroll in an earlier date to start my quest?
Yes, you can re-enroll from as early as the Monday prior. (Please note this is NOT Applicable for WildFit and the programs that are perpetual)
Important notes regarding cohort change:
When you change your cohort, you will not receive emails regarding your Quest for the new cohort. You will still receive the emails for the cohort that you originally signed up for. If you'd like us to remove you from the email list, please contact our support.
To contact our Customer Support Team, please use channels such as WhatsApp, iMessage, or by clicking on the chat widget in the bottom right corner of the page..